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connection with the higher self

Higher Self: Connect To The Guidance Within

meditation personal transformation Apr 08, 2022

Do you sometimes feel lost and uncertain of your next steps? If so, you're not alone. Many people think this way at some point in their lives. The good news is that there is a way to connect with the guidance within- your mindful state. We will discuss the higher self and how wise it is to communicate with it. We'll also provide tips for maintaining a connection with your higher self.

The Higher Self

I first heard of a supreme being from a book on meditation. I was about 21 and finding it difficult to connect with my spiritual side. Meditation was supposed to help me learn how to quiet my mind to converse with my supreme being. As I began practicing, the words “supreme being" didn't mean anything to me. However, I felt wise, peaceful, and calm when I meditated and connected with my spiritual side in this way.

If you've ever had an experience where you feel at one with everything- that is your mindful talking! The Supreme Being is the part of us that knows who we are- our perfect, complete selves. It is our link to all that is, and it lives within each of us. Think of a flower- the Supreme Being is the entire flower, while your lower self is just a petal of that flower.

How to Connect with Your Supreme Being

There are many ways to connect with your supreme being, including meditation and prayer. You can also join by reading books or listening to binaural beats. These tools help your mind relax to get in touch with the guidance within. It has shown that when people have an out-of-body experience, they are consciously aware after leaving their physical bodies. This suggests that consciousness exists outside of the brain.

We've also heard about clinically dead people and were able to tell the doctors what had occurred after their hearts stopped beating. Interestingly, they didn't remember this information until they were brought back to life. Whatever method you choose, be sure to relax your mind and go within.

Maintain a Connection with Your Supreme Being

There is always the potential to lose touch with your supreme being, so it's essential to maintain a connection. To do this, spend time each day connecting with yourself in whatever way works best for you. Meditation, prayer, and reading books on spiritual teachings are all great ways to keep connected. You can also listen to binaural beats each day to strengthen the connection.

Final Thoughts

Many people spend their entire lives seeking guidance. They try to figure things out themselves through sheer willpower, but this doesn't always work. This is because many of us are too busy or too stressed to allow our minds to slow down enough to listen to the guidance within.

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