Mantra Meditation and Everything You Need to Know About It!
Aug 16, 2022We have benefited from mantra meditation and thought everybody else could use it. So here we are. This is our offering to you, and we hope you enjoy it. We will give you a brief background of what we have done in a couple of introductory sessions, but I'll kind of recap that, and thereafter, we will walk you through some basic meditations. We have planned a series of such meditations because Mantra is a vast field, but today we'll just tackle some of the very basic common mantras.
The whole universe, as we know, it is generated and sustained by sound. The nature of mantras is to attract energy through resonance, with larger fields of energy, and eventually with the universal energy field.
To understand each mantra and energy, we must go back to what Nicola Tesla said. Everything in this world can be understood in the context of energy, vibration, and frequency. Humans, plants, rocks, animals, planets, and everything animate and inanimate are made up of energy. Energy is a packet of information. All these packets of information are vibrating at different frequencies. Each frequency has a certain power in it. And the nature of each mantra is a gateway to a different state of awareness. So, think of it like the mind is a radio, and the mantras are a way of changing channels to go to any desired music that you want to listen to or any desired frequency you want to live.
So basically, the mantra is made up of two words, Man and Tra. Man is the word, and Tra is a tool. So a mantra is a tool to control your mind, train, and restrain it from unwanted activities and actions that drain your energy. It helps us to focus on what we want. To understand mantras, first, we must understand that there is mantra meditation. Let's understand the three stages of mantra meditation.
And throughout this series, I'll be referring to this. So it'll be a good idea to understand this.
So firstly, everything happens at three levels. Body level, Mind level, and Intellect level.
These mind and body therapeutic connections are very important for understanding mantras.
At the body level, the mantra meditation is just like vibration. Even if you just sit and listen to the mantra, whether yourself singing it or somebody else is chanting the mantras, or through a recorded platform, it will start to create positive changes in your body. There is a lot of research in the field of somatics showing the impact or influence of sound on the body.
Then, the second level is at the mind level, where we start to understand the meaning of the mantra; and that’s what we are trying to do here. To explain the meaning behind these ancient Sanskrit mantras that have survived the test of time for 5,000 years and have come down in history and are still relevant and valid today. So when you understand it, you shift the paradigm and go to a different level.
It's like going to a music concert in a different language. You enjoy the music, but when you understand the lyrics, it has a different level of understanding and enjoyment.
Finally, you go to the level of the intellect where you just don't get caught up in the meanings, but you become one with that sound.
The ancient Vedic scriptures were given the analogy of a chariot, which is very useful for understanding these three stages of mantra. So the first one is the vibration level at the body level. Our body is just a chariot. And when we bring the mind component to it, we are attaching horses to the chariot, but the chariot and horse don't know how to interact. Then you bring the rider, the charioteer who controls the chariot and the horses, and they are working in a union. So mantras at the body level are controlling the chariot. The mind level is controlling the horses, and the intellect level is the charioteer who is controlling both the horse and the chariot.
Now let's go to the method of mantra meditation. So in the Vedic culture, use the term Upasana. Upasana is broken down into two words. Upa and Asana. Upa means close, and Asana means sit; like in yoga asanas, you're sitting pose. So you sit close to what? A high, ideal, and archetype. So this ties into the concept of a role model or a celebrity in any field, whether it is music, art, business, or sports. We always have a role model, and we want to observe their every behavior, thinking, and way of living. That is what celebrity endorsements are all about. If they say to use this, you want to use it because if it has worked for them, it'll work for you whether it is shoes or clothes or any kind of training.
So the concept of Upasana is sitting close to your ideal. These archetypes, gods, and goddesses are not human, and they're not even extra beings, and these are energy archetypes.
So there are hundreds and thousands of archetypes for healing, abundance, success, money, and looks. Whatever you can think of, there is an archetype. And if you sit close to it, you start imbibing. And the science behind this is the law of physics of internment.
And what does the theory of internment mean? The best example is, to understand internment, the concept of clocks with pendulums. There was an experiment done where they put different clocks with different size pendulums together, close to each other. At first, the clocks with different size pendulums oscillated or vibrated at different frequencies. But the note is that after a while, all the smaller clocks with the smaller pendulums started vibrating at the same frequency as the large pendulum and clock. To say that this larger energy will always retrain the smaller energy. So when you sit close to an ideal concept of the archetype, the assumption is that you start vibrating at that level from lower consciousness and moving gently and surely to that higher frequency.
Take a mantra online course from our spiritual coach, Nivedita Ganapathi.
We’ll continue the internment theory of Physics in the next blog.
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