Mantra Meditation and Everything You Need to Know About It! Part IV
Sep 13, 2022This is the continuation of the previous blog- Mantra Meditation and Everything You Need to Know About It! Part III. Here, we talk all about group mantras and spirituality.
First, we do Om. Then we invoke Ganesha to go from a limited material living to an unlimited spiritual living. Then we invoke this group mantra.
Then we invoke the guru principle. Guru is made up of two words. Gu is darkness. Ru leads us out of the darkness. It can be a person, an animal, or a book. It can be anything, but you have to invoke that principle, which encompasses Bramha, the creative energy; Vishnu, which is preservative energy, the energy that preserves our sustenance and Shiva, which is the energy that dissolves, transforms, or transcends.
So basically, it would be Om, Gurur Bramha, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwara
Gurur Sakshaat Parambramha, Tasmayi Shree Gurve Namah
So we are essentially saying that we are invoking Guru Bramha, the creative power of the universe. Guru Vishnu, the power that preserves and sustains; Guru Devo Maheshwara, we are invoking the power that dissolves negativity and helps us to transform and transcend to a higher level of awareness.
Guru Sakshaat Parambramha, to that universal guiding principle. Tasmayi Shree Gurve Namah, I offer my salutations. I am offering my limited mind and body. Please take me to a higher level of awareness.
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These are the basic mantras in every session we will talk about or you should practice, and you can incorporate them into a mantra practice.
Now, there are three special mantras that I wanna talk about today. They correspond to my three basic principles of personal transformation. The first principle is that we create our reality; two, everyone and everything is connected; three, abundance is our basic nature.
So, the first principle is that I create my reality. What is my reality? Is my reality this limited body and mind, or is it an unlimited being and the way the Rishis have told us that our true reality is unlimited? And then, our reality is actually Sat Chit Ananda.
Sat is the truth that does not change. It holds good for all times in all places. Chit is the awareness of that truth. And when you become aware of that truth, you go into a state of Ananda, which means bliss.
So how do we acknowledge our true self of Sat Chit Ananda? Truth, Awareness, and Bliss. This mantra will help us go to that awareness that I am the truth, and I am always in a state of bliss.
This mantra is
Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Tamso Ma Jyotirgamaya
Mrityor Ma Amritamgamaya
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti!
So Asat is unreal. So, from the unreal, lead me to the real. Asato is unreal. Ma is me. Sat is truth. Gamaya, take me from the unreal idea that I am this limited body in mind to the real idea, which is that I am an unlimited being. I'm a powerful being, and I'm a being of infinite energy.
Then, Tamso Ma Jyotirgamaya. Tamas is darkness. Ma is me. Jyotir is light. Gamaya is lead me. So lead me from the darkness, lead me to the light.
Mrityor is death. It is the dissolution of the limited, not our physical death, but the death of limitedness. Ma is me. So Amrita is unlimited. Gamaya is take me towards that. From the limited, lead me to the limitless.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
So let me chant it for you once.
Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Tamso Ma Jyotirgamaya
Mrityor Ma Amritamgamaya
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti!
So this mantra says, from the unreal, lead me to the real. From the darkness, lead me to light. From the limited, lead me to the limitless. Peace Peace Peace.
Now the second principle of personal transformation is everything, and everyone is connected and interconnected, and this is expressing other languages like as within, so without, as above. so below. So, if there is unhappiness, suffering, and pain in the outside world, we cannot stay separate from it.
And this COVID pandemic has taught us that anything that happens remotely in any part of the world, Australia, China, India, Africa, Europe, or America. It will have an impact sooner or later on the rest of the world. So that is why in our prayers, we also ask for peace in the external world.
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We’ll continue with the second principle in the next blog.
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